Food: A Necessity of Life

Ruqiya Nishath
3 min readMay 22, 2021

Whenever we say or think about food, what comes to our mind is hunger taste, flavor, our favorite dish(have started to feel hungry already).

But nowadays another most important word that has stuck to the food and most of us are worried about is HEALTH.

Who doesn’t love food? I am a food lover but am I eating healthy sometimes I have this question in my mind and honestly, it has become really important to know what is right for you to eat and how is it gonna help your body grow, to heal any disease or how it will provide with necessary nutrients to your body.

First of all, let's just dive into some basic knowledge of WHAT IS FOOD?

FOOD is a substance or material or anything eaten which will provide your body with energy and nutrients. Nutrients are chemical substances that will help your body process and function properly.

Nutrients are divided into Macronutrients and Micronutrients.

Macronutrients are Carbohydrates: Energy providers, sources: richest sources are grains, bread, and cereals.

Protein: Bodybuilding maintaining and repair. sources: a lean protein like chicken and fish, legumes, beans, and nuts.

Fats: another source of energy and provide essential fatty acids.Sources: oils like olive, avocados, and nuts.

Micronutrients are Vitamins and Minerals that are necessary for the healthy functioning of our bodies We need vitamins and minerals to help us grow, to see correctly, to form bones, muscles, skin, and organs, as well as to help us battle infections. Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can lead to severe problems.

OK now we have grabbed some very basic things(Not gonna go much deeper), let's just come to the main topic WHAT SHOULD WE EAT?

I say eat the nutrients, every food provides you with certain nutrients, eat the nutrients that are needed by your body.

For example, if you have Diabetes, you need fewer carbohydrates(eat less of simple carbohydrates and more of complex carbohydrates)increase the number of proteins (lean protein like chicken, fish twice per week) more of vitamins and minerals (increase your fruits and veggies) less fat (cut down on saturated fats and transfats and maintain your cholesterol levels).

I Would say in general, eat more vegetables (4 to 5 servings) and fruits (2 to 3 servings) eat more complex carbohydrates, (whole wheat bread and pasta)avoid simple carbs like refined flour bakery items sugar, and eat lean proteins like chicken and fish(an important nutrient which will help in digestion )and the interesting thing is this type of diet will help fulfill your fiber requirement.

Not to forget the EXERCISE one of the most important aspects which we will talk about it later but can’t skip the exercise part.

Though, these values and requirements will change according to different conditions and diseases.

And to take the first step be mindful of Portion control because PORTION CONTROL is the key. I know most of us just love the Mcdonalds Burger, Dominos Pizza or your cakes and pastries (i personally love chocolate),(i will share some healthy recipes in my future blogs), of course, I am not saying to give up everything instantly but to be healthy we should take a step a forward, try to minimize our habit of eating junk food and go for munching on healthier options like fruits and veggies and whole wheat biscuits, nuts to say some .one the things you can do is stock up these healthy options in your refrigerator and try to avoid the fried foods burgers pizzas, etc, these baby steps will lead to a major change.

The bottom line is OUR BODY IS THE ONLY PLACE TO LIVE IN and we are responsible to take care of it.



Ruqiya Nishath

A Nutritionist passionate about food, health and lifestyle.